Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/469

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COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA 331 �Blan. It was Marina's voyce, and I'll obey itt, I cannot sure, want strength, when she's in danger. But see, Capriccio has disarmed Rivalto, What is itt, Gentlemen, has bred your quarrel. �[Capr. with both swords stands between Riv. and the door. �Cap. Nay ask him, how he, and my charge came to fall �out �I was quietly asleep, 'till she cry'd murther, And then up I got, and have done as you see. �Riv. Curse on my fortune, �Give me butt my dagger, and I'll secure ye 60 �From further trouble. �{Enter Month: and guards with Vil: and Lin: seized. �Month. Oh ! see 'tis true, and he's disarm'd and taken, These two were well secured, till time shall show, How far they stand concern'd in all his plotts. Bring 'em away, all to the Queens apartment, Theither the rescu'd trembling Virgin fled, And has declared, that 'tis by him confess'd, He cast the scandal on our worthy Master, To compasse his revenge, att once and Love. That Princesse, therefore makes itt her request 70 �That all may be examin'd, in her presence And she may be partaker of his joy, You'll go my lord �Blan. Yes, with your help I will, Tis my concern, more then you yett immagin. �[The Prisoners are carry' 'd out, by the guards. Blanf. follows leaning on Month. �The Scene changes to the Queen's Apartment. The Queen, Aub: Laur: Marin: Clar: Rice: �Aub. If I have serv'd you Madam, with such zeal, �[To the Queen. ��� �