Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/551

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NOTES �[Notes by Lady Winchilsea are inclosed in brackets] INTRODUCTION �P. xviii: "Sketch of Lady Winchilsea's Life." The chief authorities quoted in this sketch are Genealogist, New Series, ed. Keith Murray, Vol. XII, "The Royal Descent of Kingsmill; " Gene- alogist, ed. Marshall, Vol. I ; Burke, Landed Gentry ; HarL Soc. Pub., Vols. XXIV, XXVI; Doyle, Official Baronage; Collins, Peer- age. �P. xxii, 1. 28: ". . . . the list of ladies." This list is quoted in Miss Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England from the origi- nal document. The maids of honor were Frances Walsingham, Catharine Fraser, Anne Killigrew, Anne Kingsmill, Catharine Walters, and Catharine Sedley. In other references to Aune Kingsmill Miss Strickland makes curious blunders. On p. 283 of the Life of Mary of Modena Anne is spoken of as the wife of the Heneage Finch who stopped the flight of James II. at Faversham, but that Heneage Finch was Anne's father-in-law. On p. 476, under the date of 1712, Miss Strickland calls Anne Finch " Queen Anne's learned lady of the Bed-chamber," and says : " Her Jacobite influence with Queen Anne is never calculated in general history, but those versed in the signs of the times know that it was considerable. The dislike that her royal mistress had to the war is alluded to in some lines playfully addressed to her by Pope. .... Lady Winchilsea, recently left a widow with a small provi- sion, was a devoted partisan of the house of Stewart : she was always near the royal person. This lady was a pleasant rhymstress, and possessed of some personal influence, but was without territorial power." In Notes and Queries (Eighth Series), Vol. V, p. 5, is a note on Lady Winchilsea, evidently based on Miss Strickland, for it repeats all her errors. In point of fact, the Lady Winchilsea "lately left a widow "in 1712 was Sarah, the wife of Charles, the third Earl of Winchilsea, and the nephew of Anne's husband. �P. xxv, 1. 11: "Heneage Finch .... aged ab. 27 years." In Doyle's Official Baronage the date of Lord Winchilsea's birth is given as 1654, which would make him thirty at the time of his mar- �413 ��� �