Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/104

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If yon deign follow one so poor, so humble.
You must show mercy in the name of God,
For verily are we afficted. Come.
Hard by is Siisakind'a dweUing — as we walk
By yonr good leave I '11 tell what I have seen.



A luxuriottaly furitished apartment in ScsaKiMD VOK Orb's house. Upon a riddy-Bpread eupper-ti^e stands the aeven-irraached silver candlestick of the Sabbath eve. At the table are seated Scbskwd vom Obb, Liebhaid, and Kbdbbm.


Drink, children, drink ! and lift your hearts to Him
WLo gives US the vine'fl fruit, [They drink.
How cleat it glovra ;
Like gold within the golden bowl, like fire
Along our veins, after the work-day week
Rekindling Sabbath-fervor, Sabbath-atrengtli.
Verily God prepares for me a table
Id presence of mine enemies ! He anointa
My head with oil, ray cup is overflowing.
Praise we His name ! Hast than, my daughter, served
The needs o' the poor, suddenly-orphaned child ?
Naught must she lack beneath ray roof.