Page:Poems of Emma Lazarus vol 2.djvu/229

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" Yes, I love thee, O my darling,
And I swear it by our Saviour,
Whom the accursed Jews did murder,
Long ago with wicked malice."

" Heed thou neither Jews nor Saviour,"
Spake the knight with fond endearments.
Far off waved, as in a vision.
Gleaming lilies bathed in moonlight.

Gleaming lilies bathed in moonlight
Seemed to watch the stars above them.
" Tell me, tell me, my beloved.
Didst thou not erewhile swear falsely ?

"Naught is false in me, my darling,
E'en as in my veins there floweth
Not a drop of blood that 's Moorish,
Neither of foul Jewish current."

" Heed not Moors nor Jews, beloved,"
Spake the knight with fond endearments.
Then towards a grove of myrtles
Leads he the Alcalde's daughter.

And with Love's slight subtile meshes,
He has trapped her and entangled.
Brief their words, but long their kisses,
For their hearts are overflowing.