Page:Poems of Mrs. Frances B.M. Brotherson.djvu/33

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It hath a voice throughout the realm of Nature,
   We find its footprints through the forest aisles,
Where the unfolding of its shining pinion
   Awakens a wreath of sunshine and of smiles.

O'er the wide world we mark its fairy wandering,
   By the blue sea it keeps a wonted place,
No towering mountain, not a vale so lowly,
   But of the angel presence bears a trace.

Beside the violet's home it loves to linger,
   Within the lily's bell and rose's blush,
Waking, like echoes from a fairy finger,
   The fountain's flow and rippling water's gush.

And when I gaze upon each spray and leaflet,
   Waving so gently on the perfumed air,
I look so fondly for the passing presence,
   For well I know the angel hath been there.

It bringeth to the heart full many a blessing,
   We keep its impress on beloved tones,
And every cherished smile it wreaths with fondness,
   Love's lighted glance its sacred influence owns.