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��'"Nathan Hale." For the most authentic account of him, see "The Life of Benedict Arnold," by Jared Sparks, who records Hale's last words.

^ " Samuel Adams." Few materials exist for preserving his memoirs, partly because, being of an unselfish disposition, he preferred the inde- pendence of his country to the reputation of being a principal achiever of it, and partly because, after the death of his wife, most of his papers were abstracted, and only partially recovered by the persistent industry of his grandson, the late S. A. Wells, who profoundly venerated him and in reso- lution of character resembled him.

The death of Mr. Wells in 184 1, when the first volume of his " Life of Samuel Adams " was nearly through the press, prevented the completion of that work.

In the present poem, the author has wished to preserve among others a few interesting memorials of this eminent patriot which might otherwise perish with the oral traditions that have thus far preserved them in his family.

^ " Arguing that much vexed question," «S:c. " Is it lawful to resist the supreme magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise pre- served?" The subject of his thesis on receiving the degree of A.M. 1743; he maintained the affirmative.

  • " How trifling in thine eyes seemed worldly wealth," &c. Neglecting

his private affairs for those of his country, and unwilling to press the pay- ment of debts due from others, he much reduced a considerable property left him by his father. Superior to all mercenary motives, and careless of personal safety where duty was concerned, he long performed the most arduous public services, almost without compensation.

5 " Or that with bribes they tempted thee," &c. The fact is generally known. Mr. Wells related to the author that he had been informed that the late Secretary of State, Mr. Avery, possessed papers which contained offers to Mr. Adams of a patent of nobility and ten thousand pounds per

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