Page:Poems of the Great War - Cunliffe.djvu/231

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("I rejoice with you in Wilhelm's first \'ictory. How magnifioently God supported him!" — Telegrain from the Kaiser to the Crown Princess.)

Led by Wilhelm, as you tell, God has done extremely well ; You with patroniziiif]: nod Show that you approve of God. Kaiser, face a question new — This — does God approve of you ?

Broken pledges, treaties torn, Your first page of war adorn ; We on fouler things must look Who read further in that book, Where you did in time of war All that you in peace forswore, Where you, barbarously wise. Bade your soldiers terrorize,

\Miere you made — the deed was fine —

Women screen your firing line.

Villages burned down to dust,

Torture, murder, bestial lust,

Filth too foul for printer's ink.

Crimes from which the apes would shrink —

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