Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/129

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Several Occasions.
Glitter'd th' embroider'd Sandals; o'er his Back
A dreadful Ornament, a Lion's Spoils,
With hideous grace down to his Ankles hung,
Fierce in his hand he grasp'd a glitt'ring Spear.

With equal care was Menelaus toss'd,
Sleep from his Temples fled, his generous Heart
Felt all his People's Woes, who in his Cause
Stem'd the proud Main, and nobly stood in Arms
Confronting Death: A Leopard's spotted Spoils
Terrific clad his Limbs, a brazen Helm
Beam'd on his Head, and in his Hand a Spear.
Forth from his Tent the royal Spartan strode
To wake the King of Men; him wak'd he found
Clasping his polish'd Arms, with rising Joy
The Heroes meet, the Spartan thus began.
