Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/131

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Several Occasions.
As future Grecians shall repeat with Tears
To Children yet unborn.—But haste, repair
To Ajax and Idomeneus; we wake
Ourself the Pylian Sage; to keep the Guards
On Duty be his Care; for o'er the Guards
His Son presides nocturnal, and in Arms
His great Compeer, Meriones the bold.

But say, rejoins the Prince, these Orders borne
There shall I stay, or measuring back the Shores,
To thee return?—No more return, replies
The King of Hosts, lest treading different ways
We meet no more: for thro' the Camp the ways
Lie intricate and various, but aloud
Wake every Greek to martial Fame and Arms,
Teach them to emulate their Godlike Sires;
And thou a while forget thy royal Birth
And share a Soldier's Cares: the proudest King
