Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/138

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Poems on
Rise, Son of Tydeus! ill, a whole Night's Rest
Suits with the Brave! and sleep'st thou, while proud Troy
Hangs o'er our Tents, and from yon joining Hill
Prepares her War? Awake, my Friend, awake!

Sudden the Chief awoke, and mildly gave
This soft Reply: O! Cruel to thy Age,
Thou good old Man! ne'er wilt thou, wilt thou cease
To burthen Age with Cares? Has Greece no Youth
To wake the Peers? unweary'd Man to bear
At once the double Load of Toils, and Years!

'Tis true, he cry'd, my Subjects and my Sons
Might ease a Sire, and King; but Rest's a Crime
When on the Edge of Fate our Country stands:
E'er yet a few Hours more have run their Course,
