Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/148

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Poems on
Panting the Spy they seize: who thus with Tears
Abject intreats: Spare me, O! spare, he cries,
My hoary Sire your Mercy shall repay,
Soon as he hears I draw the vital Air,
With ample Wealth, with Steel, with Brass, with Gold.

To whom Ulysses artfully: Be bold,
Far hence the Thought of Death! but instant say
Why thus alone in the still Hours of Night
While every Eye is clos'd? to spoil the Slain
Com'st thou rapacious? or some nightly Spy
By Hector sent? or has thy ventrous Mind
Impell'd thee to explore our martial Bands?

By Hector sent, and by Rewards undone,
Returns the Spy, (till as he spoke he shook)
I come unwilling: the refulgent Car
