Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/150

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Poems on
Now meditates? to pour the Tyde of Fight
Fierce on our Fleet, or back within her Walls
Transser the War?——To these Demands, he cries,
Faithful my Tongue shall speak: The Peers of Troy
Hector in Council meets: round Ilus' Tomb
Apart from Noise they stand: no Guards surround
The spacious Host: where thro' the Gloom yon Fires
Blaze frequent, Trojans wake to guard their Troy;
Secure th' Auxiliars sleep, no tender Cares
Of Wife or Son disturb their calm Repose,
Safe sleep their Wives and Sons on foreign Shores.

But say, apart encamp th' Auxiliar Bands,
Replies the Sage, or join the Pow'rs of Troy?

Along the sea-beat Shores, returns the Spy,
The Leleges and Carians stretch their Files;
Near these the Caucons, and Pelasgian Train,
