Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/153

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Several Occasions.
Thus lowly consecrates: Stern Pow'r of War,
Virgin Armipotent, receive these Arms,
Propitious to my Vows, thee, Goddess, thee
Chiefly I call: Direct our prosp'rous Way
To pierce the Thracian Tents, to seize the Steeds
Of Rhesus, and the Car, that flames with Gold.

Then fierce o'er broken Arms, thro' Streams of Blood
They move along: now reach the Thracian Bands
All hush'd in Sleep profound; their shining Arms
Rang'd in three Ranks along the Plain, around
Illumin'd the dun Air: Chariot and Horse
By every Thracian stood: Rhesus their King
Slept in the Center of the circling Bands,
And his proud Steeds were Rein'd behind his Car.
With Joy Ulysses thro' the Gloom descry'd
The sleeping-King, and lo! he cries, the Steeds,
