Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/155

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Several Occasions.
He whirls his wrathful Blade, now furious gores
His heaving Chest: he wak'd not, but a Dream
By Pallas sent, rose in his anxious Thoughts;
A visionary Warrior frowning stood
Fast by his Head, and his aërial Sword
Plung'd thro' his labouring Breast: Mean while the Steeds
The Sage unbinds, and instant with his Bow
Drives thro' the sleeping Ranks: Then to his Friend
Gave Signals of Retreat; but nobler Deeds
He meditates, to drag the radiant Car,
Or lift it thro' the threefold Ranks, up-born
High on his Shoulders, or with Slaughter stain
Th' ensanguin'd Field; when lo! the Martial Maid
Down rushes from the Battlements of Heav'n,
And sudden cries, Return, brave Chief, return,
Lest from the Skies some Guardian Pow'r of Troy
Wrathful descend, and rouze the hostile Bands.
