Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/167

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Several Occasions.
The grave Physician, who by Physic,
Like Death, dispatches him that is sick,
Pursues a sure and thriving Trade,
Tho' Patients die, the Doctor's paid;
Licens'd to kill, he gains a Palace,
For what another mounts the Gallows.

In shady Groves the Muses stray,
And love in flow'ry Meads to play;
An idle Crew! whose only Trade is
To shine in Trifles, like our Ladies;
In dressing, dancing, toying, singing,
While wiser Pallas thrives by spinning;
Thus they gain nothing to bequeath
Their Vot'ries, but a Laurel Wreath.
