Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/190

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Poems on


Conclusion of an Epilogue


Mr. SOUTHERN's Last Play,


Money the Mistress.

There was a time, when in his younger Years,
Our Author's Scenes commanded Smiles of Tears;
And tho' beneath the Weight of Days he bends,
Yet, like the Sun, he shines as he descends:
Then with Applause, in honour to his Age,
Dismiss your veteran Soldier off the Stage;
Crown his last Exit with distinguish'd Praise,
And kindly hide his [1]Baldness with the Bays.

  1. Alluding to a Vote of the Roman Senate, by which they decreed Cæsar a Crown of Laurel to cover his Baldness.