Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/237

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Several Occasions.
Nor deign'd but to high [1]Themes to tune the String,
To such as Heav'n might hear, and Angels sing:
Unlike those Bards, who uninform'd to play,
Grate on their jarring Pipes a flashy Lay:
Each Line display'd united Strength and Ease,
Form'd like his Manners to instruct and please.

So Herbs of balmy Excellence produce
A blooming Flow'r, and salutary Juice:
And while each Plant a smiling Grace reveals,
Usefully gay! at once it charms, and heals.

Transcend ev'n after Death, ye Great, in Show,
Lend Pomp to Ashes, and be vain in Woe;
Hire Substitutes to mourn with formal Cries,
And bribe unwilling Drops from venal Eyes,
While here, Sincerity of Grief appears,
Silence that speaks, and Eloquence in Tears!


  1. Mr. Fenton intended to write upon moral Subjects.