Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/271

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Several Occasions.
Then Jove Omnipotent display'd the God,
And all Olympus trembled as he trod:
He grasps ten thousand Thunders in his Hand,
Bares his red Arm, and wields the forky Brand;
Then aims the Bolts, and bids his Lightnings play,
They flash, and rend thro' Heav'n their flaming way:
Redoubling Blow on Blow, in Wrath he moves,
The sing'd Earth groans, and burns with all her Groves;
The Floods, the Billows boiling hiss with Fires,
And bick'ring Flame, and smouldring Smoke aspires;
A Night of Clouds blots out the golden Day;
Full in their Eyes the writhen Lightnings play,
Ev'n Chaos burns: again Earth groans, Heav'n roars,
As tumbling downward with its shining Tow'rs;
Or burst this Earth, torn from her central Place,
With dire disruption from her deepest Base:
Nor slept the Wind: the Wind new Horrour forms,
Clouds dash on Clouds before th' outrageous Storms;
