Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/44

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Poems on
Why the vast Tydes sometimes with wanton Play
In shining Mazes gently glide away;
Anon, why swelling with impetuous Stores
Tumultuous tumbling, thunder to the Shores?
By thy Command does fair Aurora rise,
And gild with purple Beams the blushing Skies?
The warbling Lark salutes her chearful Ray,
And welcomes with his Song the rising Day;
The rising Day ambrosial Dew distils,
Th' ambrosial Dew with balmy Odour fills
The Flow'rs, the Flow'rs rejoice, and Nature smiles.
Why Night, in Sable rob'd, as Day-light fades,
O'er half the Nations draws her awful Shades?
Now peaceful Nature lies diffus'd in Ease;
A solemn Stillness reigns o'er Land and Seas.
Sleep sheds o'er all his Balm! to Sleep resign'd,
Birds, Beasts lie hush'd, and busy Human Kind.
