Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/48

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Poems on
Or when the Heav'ns are charg'd with gloomy Clouds,
And half the Skies precipitate in Floods,
Chase the dark Horror of the Storm away,
Restrain the Deluge, and restore the Day?
By thee does Summer deck herself with Charms,
Or hoary Winter lock his frozen Arms;
Say, if thy Hand instruct the Rose to glow,
Or to the Lilly give unsullied Snow?
Teach Fruits to knit from Blossoms by degrees,
Swell into Orbs, and load the bending Trees,
Whose various Kinds, a various Hue unfold,
With crimson Blush, or burnish into Gold?
Say, why the Sun arrays with shining Dyes
The gaudy Bow that gilds the gloomy Skies?
He from his Urn pours forth his golden Streams,
And humid Clouds imbibe the glittring Beams;
Sweetly the varying Colours fade or rise,
And the vast Arch embraces half the Skies.
