Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/59

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Several Occasions.
Hark! the Night Warbler from yon vocal Boughs,
Glads every Valley with melodious Woes!
Swift thro' the Air her Rounds the Swallow takes,
Or sportive skims the Level of the Lakes.
The tim'rous Deer, swift-starting as they graze,
Bound off in Crouds, then turn again, and gaze.
See! how yon Swans, with snowy Pride elate,
Arch their high Necks, and sail along in State!
Thy frisking Flocks safe-wand'ring crop the Plain,
And the glad Season claims a gladsome Strain.
Begin———Ye Echoes listen to the Song,
And with its sweetness pleas'd, each Note prolong!

Sing Muse—and O! may Townshend deign to view
What the Muse sings, to Townshend this is due!
Who carrying with him, all the World admires,
From all the World illustriously retires:
