Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/96

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Poems on
Bear me, ye friendly Pow'rs, to gentler Scenes,
To shady Bow'rs, and never-fading Greens!
Where the shrill Trumpet never sounds Alarms,
Nor martial Din is heard, nor Clash of Arms;
Hail ye soft Seats! ye limpid Springs and Floods!
Ye flow'ry Meads, ye Vales, and mazy Woods!
Ye limpid Floods, that ever murmuring flow!
Ye verdant Meads, where Flow'rs eternal blow!
Ye shady Vales, where Zephyrs ever play!
Ye Woods, where little Warblers tune their Lay!

Here grant me, Heav'n, to end my peaceful days,
And steal myself from Life by slow Decays;
Draw Health from Food the temp'rate Garden yields,
From Fruit, or Herb, the Bounty of the Fields;
Nor let the loaded Table groan beneath
Slain Animals, the horrid Feast of Death:
