Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/123

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Calm and serene thy moments glide along,

And may the muse inspire each future song!

Still, with the sweets of contemplation bless'd,
May peace with balmy wings your soul invest!
But when these shades of time are chas'd away,
And darkness ends in everlasting day,

On what seraphic pinions shall we move,

And view the landscapes in the realms above?
There shall thy tongue in heav'nly murmurs flow,
And there my muse with heav'nly transport glow:
No more to tell of Damon's tender sighs,

Or rising radiance of Aurora's eyes,

For nobler themes demand a nobler strain,
And purer language on th' ethereal plain.
Cease, gentle muse! the solemn gloom of night
Now seals the fair creation from my sight.

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