Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/25

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To the KING's Moſt Excellent Majeſty. 1768.

YOUR ſubjects hope, dread Sire—
The crown upon your brows may flouriſh long,
And that your arm may in your God be ſtrong!
O may your ſceptre num'rous nations ſway,
And all with love and readineſs obey!

But how ſhall we the Britiſh king reward!5
Rule thou in peace, our father, and our lord!
Midſt the remembrance of thy favours paſt,
The meaneſt peaſants moſt admire the laſt.[1]
May George, belov'd by all the nations round,
Live with heav'ns choiceſt conſtant bleſſings crown'd!10
Great God, direct, and guard him from on high,
And from his head let ev'ry evil fly!
And may each clime with equal gladneſs ſee
A monarch's ſmile can ſet his ſubjects free!

  1. The Repeal of the Stamp Act.