Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/45

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The coat, the sword, the helm he laid aside,
Nor chose to venture with thole arms untry'd,
Then took his staff, and to the neighb'ring brook

Instant he ran, and thence five pebbles took.

Mean time descended to Philistia's son
A radiant cherub, and he thus begun:
"Goliath, well thou know'st thou haft defy'd
"Yon Hebrew armies, and their God deny'd:

"Rebellious wretch! audacious worm! forbear,

"Nor tempt the vengeance of their God too far;
"Them, who with his omnipotence contend,
"No eye shall pity, and no arm defend:
"Proud as thou art, in short liv'd glory great,

"I come to tell thee thine approaching fate.

"Regard my words. The judge of all the gods,
"Beneath whole steps the tow'ring mountain nods,
"Will give thine armies to the savage brood,
"That cut the liquid air, or range the wood.

"Thee too a well-aim'd pebble shall destroy,

"And thou shalt perish by a beardless boy:
