Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/62

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"O come away, her longing spirit cries,
"And share with me the raptures of the skies.
"Our bliss divine to mortals is unknown;

"Immortal life and glory are our own.

"There too may the dear pledges of our love
"Arrive, and taste with us the joys above;
"Attune the harp to more than mortal lays,
"And join with us the tribute of their praise

"To him, who dy'd stern justice to atone,

"And make eternal glory all our own.
"He in his death slew ours, and, as he rose,
"He crush'd the dire dominion of our foes;
"Vain were their hopes to put the God to flight,

"Chain us to hell, and bar the gates of light."

She spoke, and turn'd from mortal scenes her eyes,
Which beam'd celestial radiance o'er the skies.
Then thou, dear man, no more with grief retire,
Let grief no longer damp devotion's fire,

But rise sublime, to equal bliss aspire.
