Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/94

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On the Death of Dr. SAMUEL MARSHALL. 1771.

THROUGH thickets glooms look back, immortal shade,
On that confusion which thy death has made;
Or from Olympus' height look down, and see
A Town involved in grief bereft of thee.

Thy Lucy sees thee mingle with the dead,

And rends the graceful tresses from her head,
Wild in her woe, with grief unknown opprest
Sigh follows sigh deep heaving from her breast.

Too quickly fled, ah! whither art thou gone?

Ah! lost for ever to thy wife and son!

The hapless child, thine only hope and heir,
Clings round his mother's neck, and weeps his sorrows there.
The loss of thee on Tyler's foul returns,
And Boston for her dear physician mourns.
