Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/146

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The British Enchanters.

Del. Successful is our Charm: The Temple shakes,
The Altar nods, th' aftonish'd Priest forsakes
The hallow'd Shrine, starts from the Bridegroom's Side,
Breaks off the Rites, and leaves the Knot unty'd.

[Thunder again and Musick. Urganda walks down
the Scene, waving her inchanted Rod during the following

Ye sweet Musicians of the sky,
Hither, hither, fly, fly;
And with enchanting Notes all Magick else supply.
Sound the Trumpet, touch the Lute,
Strike the Lyre, and tune the Flute;
In Harmony,
Celestial Harmony,
All Magick Charms are found;
Sound the Trumpet, sound.

A Single Voice,

Jason thus to Orpheus said,
Take thy Harp, and melt the Maid;
Vows are vain, with Musick warm her,
Play, my Friend, and charm the Charmer.
Hark! hark! 'tis Orpheus plays,
The Cedars dance, the Grove obeys.
Hark, hark again!
Medea melts like Proserpine.
