Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/173

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The British Enchanters.

see the Sun from Love returning,
Love's the Flame in which he's burning.
See the Zephyrs kissing close,
On Flora's Breast their Wings repose.
Hail to Love! the softest Pleasure;
Love and Beauty reign for ever.

Dance of Shepherds and Shepherdesses.
Shepherdess to Amadis.

Now Mortal prepare,

For thy Fate is at hand,
Now Mortal prepare
And surrender.
For Love shall arise,
Whom no Pow'r can withstand,
Who rules from the Skies
To the Center.
Now Mortal prepare,
For thy Fate is at Hand;
Now Mortal prepare
And surrender.

[Oriana rises enchanted, reposing on a Bed of Flowers.
Amadis seeing her, throws away his Sword, and offers
to run to her, but is seiz'd in the same Instant.
