Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/175

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The British Enchanters.

Amad. Mistaken Princess! By the Stars above,
The Pow'rs below, and by Immortal Jove,
Unwilling and compell'd——

Ori. Unwilling and compell'd! Vain, vain Pretence,
For base Neglect, and cold Indifference.
Was it your Love, when by those Stars above,
Those Pow'rs below, and that Immortal Jove
You vow'd, before the first revolving Moon
You wou'd return——Did you return? The Sun
Thrice round the circled Globe was seen to move,
You neither came, nor sent——Was this your Love!

Amad. Thrice has that Sun beheld me on your Coast,
By Tempests beaten, and in Shipwrecks lost.

Ori. And yet you chose those Perils of the Sea,
Of Rocks, and Storms, or any thing, but me.
The raging Ocean, and the Winter Wind,
Touch'd at my Passion, with my Wishes join'd,
No Image, but of certain Fate, appear'd,
Less I your Absence, than your Danger, fear'd;
In vain they threaten'd, and I su'd in vain.
More deaf than Storms, more cruel than the Main,
No Pray'r, nor gentle Message cou'd prevail,
To wait a calmer Sky, or softer Gale;
You brav'd the Danger, and despis'd the Love,
Nor Death cou'd fright, nor Tenderness cou'd move.

Amad. Of our past Lives, the Pleasure, and the Pain,
Fixt in my Soul, for ever shall remain;
