Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/183

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The British Enchanters.

The scene changes to a Scene of Tombs and Dungeons; Men
and Women chain'd in Rows opposite to each other; in the
Front of the Captives
Florestan and Corisanda. A Guard
Dæmons. Plaintive Musick.

To be sung by a Captive King.

Look down, ye Pow'rs, look down,
And cast a pitying Eye
Upon a Monarch's Misery.
Look down, look down.
I who but now, on Thrones of Gold,
Gave Laws to Kingdoms uncontroul'd,
To Empire born,
From Empire torn,
A wretched Slave,
A wretched Slave,
Am now of Slaves the Scorn.

Alas! the Smiles of Fortune prove
As variable as Womens Love.
Look down, ye Pow'rs, look down,
And cast a pitying Eye,
Upon a Monarch's Misery.
Look down, look down,
Avenge affronted Majesty,
Avenge, avenge, avenge,
Affronted Majesty.

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