Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/200

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The British Enchanters.

[She offering at Oriana, he offers at Amadis, both
withhold their Blow.

Had I enjoy'd——A Curse on the Reprieve!
Thou might'st have struck, and had the Lover's Leave.

Trumpets sound, enter hastily Urganda with a numerous
Train of Attendants.

Urg. To Arms, to Arms, ye Spirits of the Air,
Ye Guardians of the Brave, and of the Fair,
Leave your bright Mansions, and in Arms appear.

[Thunder, Trumpets, Kettle-drums, and other warlike
Instruments. Spirits descend in Clouds, some continue
in the Air, playing upon Instruments of War. Others
remain rang'd as for Battel. Others descend upon the
Stage, and draw up in Order of Battel by Amadis,
whom Urganda frees, presenting him a Sword. Arcabon
and Arcalaus look astonish'd, and retire to the
opposite Side of the Stage. Oriana goes over to Urganda.

Arcal. Fly quick, ye Dæmons, from your black Abodes,
And try another Combat with the Gods,
Blue Fires and pestilential Fumes arise,
And flaming Fountains spout against the Skies,
From their broad Roots these Oaks and Cedars tear,
Burn like my Love, and rage like my Despair.
