Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/203

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The British Enchanters.

Oh were she kind, and faithful, as she's fair,
For her alone I'd live, and die for her.

Urg. Adjourn these Murmurs of unquiet Love,
And from this Scene of Rage and Fate remove.
Thy Empire, Arcabon, concludes this Hour,
Short is the Date of all flagitious Pow'r;
Spar'd be thy Life, that thou may'st living bear
The Torments of the Damn'd in thy Despair.
Where Zephyrs only breathe, in Myrtle Groves,
There will I lead you to debate your Loves.

[Urganda takes Oriana's Hand leading her out. As
Amadis is following, Arcabon takes him by the Robe.

Arcab. What, not one Look! not one dissembling Smile,
To thank me for your Life! Or to beguile
Despair? Cold and ungrateful as thou art,
Hence from my Sight for ever, and my Heart.

[Lets go her Hold with an Air of Contempt.

Back, Soldier, to the Camp, thy proper Sphere,

Stick to thy Trade, dull Hero, follow War,
Useless to Women; thou meer Image, meant
To raise Desire, and then to disappoint.

[Amadis goes out.

So ready to be gone!——Barbarian, stay——

He's gone, and Love returns, and Pride gives way.
Oh stay, come back——Horror and Hell! I burn!
I rage! I rave! I die!——Return, return.
