Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/206

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The British Enchanters.


SCENE, Urganda's Bower of Bliss: Being
a Representation of

Enter Oriana and Amadis.

Ori In my Esteem he well deserves a Part,
He shares my Praise, but you have all my Heart:
When equal Virtues in the Scales are try'd,
And Justice against neither can decide,
When Judgment thus perplex'd suspends the Choice,
Fancy must speak, and give the casting Voice:
Much to his Love, much to his Merit's due,
But pow'rful Inclination is for you.

Amad. Thou hast no Equal, a superior Ray
Unrival'd as the Light that rules the Day.
Shou'd Fame sollicit me with all her Charms,
Nor blooming Laurels, nor victorious Arms
Shou'd purchase but a Grain of the Delight,
A Moment from the Raptures of this Night.

Ori. Wrong not my Virtue, to suppose that I
Can grant to Love, what Duty must deny;
A Father's Will is wanting, and my Breast
Is rul'd by Glory, tho' by Love possest:
