Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/212

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The British Enchanters.

Thus planted, stand thy everlasting Bar;
[Seizing Amadis, holding the Dagger at his Throat:
Amadis struggles for his Sword.
But for Oriana's sake 'tis better here.
[Looking back upon Oriana, stabs himself; all run to
support him.

Ori.Live, gen'rous Prince, such Virtue ne'er shou'd die.

Con.I've liv'd enough, of all I wish possest,
If dying, I may leave Oriana blest:
Nor can I now recall my Fate——
Th' Invader has too sure a Footing found,
He spreads his Troops, and cov'ring all around,
He marches unoppos'd: In ev'ry Vein
Feavers assault, and Phrensies burn my Brain,
The last warm Drop forsakes my bleeding Heart:
Oh Love! how sure a Murderer thou art. [Dies.

Ori.There breaks the noblest Heart that ever burn'd
In Flames of Love, for ever to be mourn'd.

Amad.Lavish to him, you wrong an equal Flame;
Had he been lov'd, my Heart had done the same.

Flor.Oh Emperor, all Ages shall agree,
Such, but more happy, shou'd all Lovers be.

Urg.No Lover now throughout the World remains
But Amadis, deserving of your Chains.
Remove that mournful Object from the Sight.

Carry off the Body

Ere yon' bright Beam is shadow'd o'er with Night,

The stubborn King shall license your Delight;
