Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/34

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Poems upon several Occasions.

Then Waller in immortal Verse proclaims
The shining Court, and all the glitt'ring Dames.
Thy Beauty,[1] Sidney, like Achilles' Sword,
Resistless stands, upon as sure Record;
The foremost Hero, and the brightest Dame,
Both sung alike, shall have their Fate the same.

And now, my Muse, a nobler Song prepare,
And sing it loud, that Heav'n and Earth may hear.
Behold from Italy a wand'ring Ray
Of moving Light illuminates the Day,
Northward she bends, majestically bright,
And here she fixed her Imperial Light.
Be bold, be bold, my Muse, nor fear to raise
Thy Voice to her, who was thy earliest Praise:
What, tho' the sullen Fates refuse to shine,
Or frown severe, on thy audacious Line;
Keep thy bright Theme within thy steady Sight,
The Clouds shall fly before the dazling Light,
And everlasting Day direct thy lofty Flight:
Thou who hast never yet put on Disguise
To flatter Folly, or descend to Vice,
Let no vain Fear thy gen'rous Ardour tame,
But stand erect, and sound as loud as Fame.

  1. The Lady Dorothy Sydney, celebrated under the Name of Sacharissa.
