Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/38

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Poems upon several Occasions.

With Charms so numerous Myra can surprise,
The Lover knows not by which Dart he dies;
So thick the Volly, and the Wound so sure,
No Flight can save, no Remedy can cure.
Yet dawning in her Infancy of Light,
O see another Brudenel heav'nly bright,
Born to fulfill the Glories of her Line,
And fix Love's Empire in that Race divine.
Fain wou'd my Muse to Stowel bend her Sight,
But turns astonish'd from the dazling Light,
Nor dares attempt to climb the steepy Flight.

O Kneller! like thy Pictures were my Song,
Clear like thy Paint, and like thy Pencil strong,
These matchless Beauties should recorded be
Immortal in my Verse, as in thy Gallery.[1]

  1. The Gallery of Beauties at Hampton-Court, drawn by Sir Godfrey Kneller.
