Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/53

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Poems upon several Occasions.

So many Mortals were combin’d,
To show how one Immortal shin’d.
Had Hyde thus sat by Proxy too,
As Venus then was said to do,
Venus her self, and all the Train
Of Goddesses, had summon’d been;
The Painter must have search’d the Skies,
To match the Lustre of her Eyes.

Comparing then, while thus we view
The ancient Venus, and the new,
In her we many Mortals see,
As many Goddesses in Thee.

An Apology for an unseasonable Surprize.

FAirest Zelinda, cease to chide, or grieve,
Nor blush at Joys that only you can give.
Who with bold Eyes survey’d those matchless Charms,
Is punish’d, seeing in another’s Arms.
With greedy Looks he views each naked Part,
Joy feeds his Sight, but Envy tears his Heart.
So caught was Mars, and Mercury aloud
Proclaim’d his Grief, that he was not the God:
