Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/62

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Poems upon several Occasions.


Mockt with deluding Looks and Smiles,

When on her Pity I depend,
My airy Hope she soon beguiles,
And laughs, to see my Torments never end.


So up the steepy Hill with Pain

The weighty Stone is rowl'd in vain,
Which having touch'd the Top, recoils,
And leaves the Lab'rer to renew his Toils.


THoughtful Nights, and restless Waking,
O the Pains that we endure!
Broken Faith, unkind Forsaking,
Ever doubting, never sure.
Hopes deceiving, vain Endeavours,
What a Race has Love to run!
False Protesting, fleeting Favours,
Ev'ry, ev'ry way, undone.
Still complaining, and defending,
Both to love, yet not agree,
Fears tormenting, Passion rending,
O the Pangs of Jealousie!
