Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/69

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Poems upon several Occasions.

My falt'ring Tongue in vain for Utt'rance try'd,
Faint was my Voice, my Thoughts abortive dy'd,
Or in weak Sounds and broken Accents came
Imperfect, as Discourses in a Dream.
Tell, for you know the Burthen of my Heart,
Its killing Anguish, and its secret Smart.
Soon she divin'd what this Confusion meant,
And guess'd with Ease the Cause of my Complaint:
My Tongue emboldning as her Looks were mild,
At length I told my Griefs——And still she smil'd.
O Siren, Siren! fair Deluder, say
Why would you tempt to trust, and then betray?
So faithless now, why gave you Hopes before?
Alas! you shou'd have been less kind, or more.
Tell, for you know the Burthen of my Heart,
Its killing Anguish, and its secret Smart.
Secure of Innocence, I seek to know
From whence this Change, and my Misfortunes grow;
Rumour is loud, and every voice proclaims
Her violated Faith, and conscious Flames.
Can this be true? Ah flattering Mischief, speak;
Can you make Vows, and in a Moment break?
And can the Space so very narrow be
Betwixt a Woman's Oath, and Perjury?
O Jealousie! All other Ills at first
My Love essay'd, but thou are sure the worst!
Tell, for you know the Burthen of my Heart,
Its killing Anguish, and its secret Smart.

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