Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/83

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Poems upon several Occasions.
An Imitation of the Second Chorus
in the Second Act of

WHEN will the Gods, propitious to our Pray'rs,
Compose our Factions, and conclude our Wars!
Ye Sons of Inachus, repent the Guilt
Of Crowns usurp'd, and Blood of Parents spilt,
For impious Greatness Vengeance is in Store,
Short is the Date of all ill-gotten Pow'r.
Give Ear, ambitious Princes, and be wise,
Listen and learn wherein true Greatness lyes:
Place not your Pride in Roofs that shine with Gems,
In Purple Robes, not sparkling Diadems,
Nor in Dominion, nor Extent of Land:
He's only Great, who can himself command,
Whose Guard is peaceful Innocence, whose Guide
Is faithful Reason, who is void of Pride,
Checking Ambition, nor is idly rain
Of the false Incense of a Popular Train:
Who without Strife, or Envy, can behold
His Neighbour's Plenty, and his Heaps of Gold,
Nor covets other Wealth but what we find
In the Possessions of a virtuous Mind.
