Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/86

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Poems upon several Occasions.

On the same.

BRIGHT as the Day, and like the Morning fair,
Such Chloë is——and common as the —— Air.

On the same.

OF injur'd Fame, and mighty Wrongs receiv'd,
Chloë complains, and wondrously's aggriev'd:
That, free, and lavish of a beauteous Face,
The fairest and the foulest of her Race,
She's mine, or thine, and strolling up and down,
Sucks in more Filth than any Sink in Town,
I not deny, This, I have said 'tis true;
What Wrong! To give so bright a Nymph her due!


COrinna in the Bloom of Youth
Was coy to every Lover,
Regardless of the tenderest Truth,
No soft Complaint could move her.
