Page:Poems written during the progress of the abolition question in the United States.djvu/25

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Champion of those who groan beneath
Oppression's iron hand:
In view of penury, hate and death,
I see thee fearless stand.
Still bearing up thy lofty bow,
In the steadfast strength of truth,
In manhood sealing well the vow
And promise of thy youth.

Go on!—for thou hast chosen well;
On in the strength of God!
Long as one human heart shall swell
Beneath the tyrant's rod.
Speak in a slumbering nation's ear,
As thou hast ever spoken,
Until the dead in sin shall hear—
The fetter's link be broken!

I love thee with a brother's love,
I feel my pulses thrill,
To mark thy spirit sour above

The cloud of human ill.