Page:Poems written during the progress of the abolition question in the United States.djvu/54

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Go—let him silence
Winds, clouds, and waters—
Never New England's own
Free sons and daughters!
Free as our rivers are
Ocean-ward going—
Free as the breezes are
Over us blowing.

Up to our altars, then,
Haste we, and summon
Courage and loveliness.
Manhood and woman!
Deep let our pledges be—
Freedom forever—
Truce with Oppression,
Never, oh! never!
By our own birthright-gift,
Granted of Heaven—
Freedom for heart and lip,
Be the pledge given!

If we have whispered truth,
Whisper no longer;
Speak as the tempest does,
Sterner and stronger:
Still be the tones of truth
Louder and firmer,
Startling the haughty South
With the deep murmur: