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of their wagons round the church—there’s no staying there—(In as simple a manner as she said this, she goes to the cross near the church wall, kneels down and prays, entirely indifferent to what is going on around her—There is a pause.)

Kovar (Deeply moved, with great impulse).—We were sold—betrayed—alone—without help. But we’ll all perish; all of us—we’ll be swept off—for they’re a thousand times stronger—but I’ll remain and defend my country—and I’ll fight along with him who does. (There is a momentary pause.)

Levinsky.—I am going. (Has pulled the knapsack from under Suk’s head.)

(Suk, whose head has fallen on the ground, sobs with pain.)

Svacha.—Jean—Jean—(A momentary pause.)

Levinsky.—I am going off.

Kovar.—I will fight along with him. We shan’t yield. Our country is betrayed—And we still remain—it’s the end of us all and even of us, the chosen ones—yes, chosen ones for we were chosen——

Svacha.—Silence please! Silence just for a second—Jean, I am here. Jean do you want to say anything to me? (The dying Suk now in Svacha’s arms gazes but does not recognize him. Immediately then.)

Havlin (Who was lying squarely on his back terrified in his sleep shouts with a choked voice).—Back you go—I’ll stab—back. (In a dream he makes a motion as though he were stabbing.) You at me from the back? Bayonet? There you are!

Kloc (Listlessly, quietly).—Virgin Mary—he’s lost his senses—

Havlin.—It’s in your belly now—you’re down—down—your eyes are turning. There—there.

Spravil.—He is crazy.

(Havlin has now awakened fully—he jumps up and screams.)

Svacha.—Dear Jean—do you want anything—it is I—do you know me, Jean—(The wounded man opens his eyes, his lips move, he recognizes Svacha. With difficulty he is about to say something, when again—)

Kovar.—The chosen ones to defend—the chosen ones to die, chosen to die but die for our country. It is most sacred to die for the country. There is nothing greater.

Svacha (Despairing, forgetting Suk’s condition).—Quit—for God’s sake—can’t you see he is dying? (Then.)

Suk (Takes him about the neck, exclaims).—I don’t want to die.