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Baroness (Smiling). — Too expensive! Only this morning I received an answer from him — here it is...
Achille. — Ah! An autographed letter! Let's look at it!
Baroness (Reading). — "Madame, you have asked me for two songs. I shall sing three. You have offered me three thousand crowns. It is not enough!
Achille. — The robber!
Baroness (Going on). — "I shall accept only a flower from your bouquet."
Achille. — Ah! What sentiment! Wait! I'll compose a romance upon it!
Baroness. — A charming fellow! Last Thursday he sang for the Countess de Bray — who has such beautiful feet —you know?
Achille. — Yes, well?
Baroness. — Guess what he asked for!
Achille. — Why, I don't know; a pot of gilly flowers?
Baroness. — No; a dancing slipper!
Achille. — A slipper! An original fellow...
Baroness. — He takes all sorts of notions...
Achille. — So long as they stop at wearing apparel...
Baroness. — Why, Viscount! There, listen! A tenor! (Sound of several carriages, outside.) Heavens, can it be my guests? Cousin, be kind enough to receive them for me; I'll not be long. (Goes out, at the left.)
Achille (To the Baroness, as she is going). — Have no anxiety, Cousin. You may count upon me...
A Footman (Entering at the right). — There is a gentleman who wishes to speak with the Baroness Champigny.
Achille. — His name?
The Footman. — He wouldn't tell it to me. He says that he is the gentleman who had the honor to write, this morning, to her highness...
Achille. — Ah! I have it! The singer! The knight of the slipper! I'm curious to see him. He's punctual! It's evident he's a foreigner. No matter! A man who refuses three thousand francs, is worth looking at. Show him in. (Aside.) Besides, he's a musician — a confrere...
Fadinard (Appearing at the right; very timidly). — Ah—er—beg pardon, Sir, (the footman goes out.)
Achille. — Come in, Sir. Come in!
Fadinard (In embarassment, coming forward with several vigorous bows). — Thank you! I was in. (Puts his hat upon his