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Scene VIII

Chaplain Krejsa, the teacher Sejkora, Kralenec, Tonicka, Rokos, and Veverka.

Chaplain.—We salute you!

Tonicka, Kralenec.—We welcome you to our humble home!

Tonicka (Placing chairs for them).—I pray you, be seated, respected sirs! Have you heard of our misfortune? (Dissolving into tears.) What has not that scoundrel Merfajt done to us!

Schoolmaster.—The school is the first thing they will attack. Up to this time, we were left in peace.

Rokos.—If they begin to let men out of employment, we shall soon know which is the sound grain, and which blows with the wind.

Veverka.—I will hold out! I will hold out!

Kralenec.—There won’t be a great deal of chaff. But cold and hunger are hard taskmasters. If there only were work to be had elsewhere! But except for the foundries and the mines, no employment is to be found, and in the neighbouring villages, there are more unemployed men even than here.

Veverka.—And on the Count’s estate, . . . what work can be found there in the winter?

Rokos.—If we can all hold out to a man, they cannot let any of us go. But a little endurance and fortitude we must expect to show!

Chaplain.—That is true. We are like the shoreline which the flood is devouring. Except for the help of the Lord, and our own innate tenacity, we have no source of strength to fall back upon. Let us then be strong in the faith of the Lord, and in ourselves. Let us stand firm, and meet whatever awaits us! But this soil, our birthright on which we stand, let us never surrender!

All together (With fervor).—Never, never!

Chaplain.—But act without rashness, and do nothing against the will of the Lord or the law. Do everything according to justice, and do not allow yourselves to be coerced into inconsiderate measures. Stand together, one with the other. Do not forsake one another, . . . neither will the Lord forsake you!

Tonicka (In tears, kissing the hand of the chaplain).—That is so, that is so, Sir!

Rokos.—And give up nothing! I have no wife to protect, no