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Rokos.—You are making a fine beginning. Where are Kralovec and the others?

Veverka.—They went somewhere, . . . to the tavern perhaps, . . . it is filling with men. But they asked about you!

Rokos.—Skarban! Let us go. If we are going to be dismissed, they had better know how many of us there are to be reckoned with! God be with you, Kralencova! I will stop here again in about an hour. But if I should send for Vojtech, let him come at once! We will probably need him. (Goes away with Skarban.)

Veverka.—By all that is holy, . . . I don’t even realize that the earth is under me, . . . I don’t know what to do!

Tonicka.—Oh, don’t begin to whine already, Veverko! Even a woman would be ashamed to carry on as you do!

Veverka.—It is easy for you to talk! But if you were in my place,—(to himself.) I must not let anything happen, . . . I shall go to beg them not to put me out, . . . I . . .I . . . (hurries away without speaking to Tonicka.)

Tonicka (Looking after him with disgust).—And a wet rag like that is also called a man!

(Bozenka comes in, with a book in hand.)

Scene II

Tonicka, Bozenka, later Kralenec.

Bozenka.—Praised be the Lord! Aunty, I am hungry!

Tonicka.—Well, well, child! Take a piece of bread. We shall have dinner within an hour.

Bozenka (Goes to the stove, places her exercises on the bench, and warms herself.) And where are the children?

Tonicka (Looking out of the window).—At the neighbor’s! You haven’t seen uncle anywhere?

Borzenka.—No, aunty! (Kralenec enters.) But here he is!

Tonicka (Starting).—You almost frightened me, Vojtech!

Bozenka (Running to him, gayly).—Uncle, the schoolmaster told us such a nice story today! (Takes Kralenec by the hands. He, wrapped in heavy gloom, pushes her away.}})

Tonicka (Noticing it, calls out sharply).—Vojtech!