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I must suffer, for that reason, they threaten to drive me out of work! I keep myself restrained, I listen in silence, I do not place one straw crossways, and yet I am to be let out!

Tonicka.—Oh, but they are hardly apt to do such a terrible thing! Drive us out now, in the winter, just before Christmas! They would be worse than heathen! They only wish to frighten us!

Kralenec.—No! You will find out that they mean it! I was working so hard, . . . this little room with my family was just like a palace to me, . . . and now, some good-for-nothing fellow will probably come to take my place, . . . I shall be turned out with you and the children, to become tramps, vagabonds, thrown out upon the world with its cold mercy! I could have cried with rage! (Enter Brouzda.) But I won’t give in, and now especially, I will not give in!

Scene IV

Brouzda, Tonicka, Kralenec

Brouzda.—Good day, Comrade! Listen, it seems they are letting men off! If that is the case, they will be glad to take on others! That would just suit me! I pray you, where shall I go to ask for work?

Kralenec (Sharply).—Go, go! They will need you! Offer yourself in my place!

Brouzda.—Not in your place! Why, we were always good friends! You surely would not be so foolish as to let a good thing like you have go just to please others, or to allow yourself to be dismissed and beggared on account of a strange child!

Kralenec.—The child is one of our own now. And you can can keep your wise counsel for yourself. We are not beggars yet.

Brouzda (Laughing).—That may be so, brother! In about fourteen days, you will not be so hotheaded!

Kralenec.—Go along then, and grab first for my place!

Brouzda.—And to me it makes but little difference, whose place I shall have! Then they have chased you out already? It would be a joke, (gazing around,) if I should in the end, get your room!

Kralenec (Furiously).—Brouzda!

Brouzda.—With you, there is no reasoning today. Well, if they want me, they can have me, and without your protection or patronage, at that! So be happy here . . . (going away.)