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Veverka.—Yes, . . .

Tonicka.—Yes, you are a worthy citizen, a rock of good faith! Only last night, you swore that you would hold out to the end, and nagged at all the others here to pledge their word! And today? Today you are the first to crawl cringingly back, to go down on your knees before the new powers that be!

Veverka.—I beg you,—Mrs. Kralenec, I beg you!

Tonicka.—Out of my sight, you . . .

Veverka (Rises, seizes her hand, kneeling before her).—Mrs. Kralenec, do not talk so, and don’t send the others after me, . . . for heaven’s sake, I ask it! If I were only alone! But there are the children! What would become of the children, the wife and mother if they were to discharge me at the mine? Am I to take the roof from their heads, the bread from their very lips? Listen! Just listen! I have seven mouths to feed, and my own makes the eighth!

Tonicka.—You have given us a full account of that! You (with a hard, short laugh, repeating his very words:) “We will not give up, let us promise each other! You will find me a rock of strength! Let us swear, brothers, that one and all will stand together!” And now be ashamed of yourself!

Veverka (Fairly frothing).—Mrs. Kralenec! (Rising.)

Tonicka.—Yes, be ashamed of yourself, . . . and get out of my sight before I sweep you out with the broom!

Veverka.—For the love of Heaven!

Tonicka.—So you sold yourself at the first flash of lightning, without even waiting for others, . . . yes, you even ran over there to offer yourself for sale!

Veverka.—And who told you all this?

Tonicka (Stepping back, gazing at him, her hands on her sides).—Just see how you own up to it! Nobody told me, but I could guess what you would do, you honorable citizen! (More sharply.) Now listen to me! We will announce this in the papers so all the world would know about you!

Veverka.—For Heaven’s sake, not that! Not that! (Turns and runs away from her.)

Tonicka.—And what will Rokos and the others say to you? (Veverka starts suddenly.) You will be a fine bird, strutting before them, and what will you tell the chaplain and the school master?

Veverka (Desperately).—By the wounds of the Blessed Savior I am going mad! I am going mad! (Runs off.)